Image: From Ansel Adams was born February 20, 1902 in San Francisco and died April 22, 1984 in Carmel, California. His father was a business man named Charles Hitchcock Adams and his mother was Olive Bray. His grandfather was a wealthy timber baron. He was born when his parents…
Historical furniture – Greece and Rome The use of furniture is as ancient as humanity. I wanted to examine some of the historical use of furniture in the ancient home. The earliest known furniture of the ancient world was often depicted in other items such as vases. Although not many…
Choosing your color scheme Color theory is quite a complex concept. I wanted to do some simplification and focusing on interiors to make it easier to understand and which can help chose a color scheme for your home. My color wheel The basics Google said 7 but there are 8…
The Mathematical constant in the natural world During my education in design, the one class I was required for my degree but what I found the most intriguing was sacred geometry. This geometry is what you find in nature, its mathematical constant. It even includes the structures of the universe such…
American Master of Architecture Born June 8, 1867 in Wisconsin to Anna Lloyd-Jones, a school teacher and William Wright, musician and preacher. Moved to Rhode Island for a while then back to Wisconsin. He went to the University of Michigan. He took engineering classes because at the time there was…
For 2023 I thought I would search for the design trends for this year. Not that I am too interested in trends generally, but I thought I would just satisfy my curiosity. Along with a trend toward warmer colors, the two trends I found the most interesting should be grouped…
The use of color is fundamental to interior design for both residential and commercial spaces. There is so much science that goes into pigments and the naturally occurring color of the natural world. Of course, the history of the pigments for paint for the artist is just as fascinating and…
The way we live in our homes should be a reflection of the dweller and what they are comfortable with because it is their space. Since I was a teenager, my interior design style favorites included Victorian and “country” varieties, particularly French and English country. Today they’re many people leaning…